8月23日, 2024
由美中工商联合会承办、五福联盟高尔夫球会联合承办的泸州老窖·国窖1573 WCGC全球华人精英高尔夫挑战赛美国赛区华盛顿站于8月18日和19日举行。本次赛事吸引了来自全美各地及加拿大的高尔夫爱好者们,他们齐聚美国首都华盛顿,以球会友,共同度过了两天激烈而精彩的比赛。
WCGC(WORLD CORPORATE GOLF CHALLENGE,世界企业高尔夫挑战赛)创立于1993年,由英国《泰晤士报》发起,美国《财富》杂志和《时代周刊》联合举办,是全世界最顶尖、最权威、最具影响力与知名度的企业精英高尔夫赛事之一。自2017年以来,泸州老窖·国窖1573与WCGC中国赛携手合作,打造“国窖1573 WCGC中国赛”,并在全球持续举办高尔夫比赛,助力华人高尔夫竞技与文化交流,以“小白球 大世界”的理念,为球员们带来健康、时尚、精彩、沉浸的浓香高球盛宴。
“USCAC has been a game-changer for our business. The connections and opportunities we’ve gained through this organization have propelled our growth and success in the U.S.-China market.”
John Smith
USCAC Membership
“USCAC is more than just an association; it’s a community of like-minded individuals driven by a shared vision. The collaborative environment and extensive knowledge sharing have helped us navigate complex challenges and forge meaningful partnerships.”
USCAC Membership
“As a member of USCAC, I’ve witnessed firsthand the positive impact this organization has had on Asian American professionals. USCAC provides a platform for our voices to be heard and encourages our active participation in American politics and society. It’s empowering and inspiring!”
Jason Lee
USCAC Membership
“USCAC’s inclusive and supportive community has provided a nurturing environment for entrepreneurs like myself. The organization’s commitment to fostering success and facilitating partnerships has been invaluable in shaping the trajectory of my business.”